Review Generation



Positive Reviews Can Increase Sales by Over 20%

For any business, having a good reputation is key to acquiring and maintaining customers — that’s nothing new. What is new, however, are the tactics and techniques used to manage your business’ reputation in today’s digital marketplace.

Over the last decade, online reviews have stepped into the spotlight. In fact, research shows 97% of users look at customer reviews before making a buying decision. The power of an online review cannot be underestimated. When users see high praise on a business’ Google Business Profile or Facebook page they begin to trust the brand’s authority, authenticity and message. 


5 Stars! How to Generate Reviews for Your Business

Word of mouth travels fast, especially in the digital space. When users see glowing reviews on your business’ page, they immediately begin to consider giving you a call or investing in your work. Why? Easy. The praise you’re receiving online is from other users who have absolutely no stake in your business. This means, the reviews can be trusted as authentic representations of your business. 

In fact, because Google holds user experience in such high regard, it constantly monitors reviews to fight against fraud. Because customers place value on business reviews, review generation must be a part of your marketing strategy. 

Increase Reviews Today

Protect Your Rep With a Review Generation Campaign Managed by Lift Division

Positive feedback influences opinions. No matter the industry, size or location of your business, potential customers look to reviews as a primary factor of whether or not they will do business with you. So, how do you get reviews?

Review generation is the strategy of getting online reviews from customers. Sites such as Google and Facebook have created opportunities for brands and businesses to engage with users by opening up their review platforms for comments and star ratings. Review generation is a significant part of online reputation management strategies. 

Reputation management is a public relations strategy for the digital world, and it can have a significant impact on search engine results. It can include online review generation, monitoring the reputation of both you and your brand, and proactively providing incredible customer service. Reputation management, like PR, can help bridge the gap between how a company perceives itself and how others view the company.


Boost Your Reputation with Quality Online Reviews

Online reviews help businesses grow, establish credibility with customers and develop authority. The more positive reviews your business has, the more attractive you are to consumers - and Google. Reviews increase sales and help brands compete in the local digital marketplace. However, none of the review generation benefits are accessible without a strategy. 

Lift Division has developed a strategy for gaining more positive reviews quickly. By collaborating with your business, we send personal recruitment messages to customers. We gauge their likelihood to deliver a review and guide them on how to leave a positive review on your most desired platform (Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.). 

Not to mention, we send review requests through multiple channels – not just email. We make the process easy and painless for users, ensuring positive reviews quickly. 

Get More Reviews Today
Increase Authority & Improve Organic Rankings with Reputation Management

When performing reputation management services, we use both quantitative and qualitative data to interpret how your audience currently views your business, what goes into their perception, and what strategies can be used to improve your online reputation. We then use these and various other mediums to connect with your audience and ensure that your reputation is managed and continually optimized for your online audience. We think you're great. It's time the web knows too.

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