Social Media Advertising


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Growing your Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn organically is a great strategy for reaching a new audience and attracting new customers. But unless you go viral, growth takes time. Don’t limit yourself to organic social media. Invest in social media advertising to take your business to the next level. Hit new milestones of followers, engagement, and leads with help from the social media ads managers at Lift Division. You know your business, we know social advertising.

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Confused by Facebook Ads Manager or Linkedin’s Advertising Options? You Need a Social Media Marketing Agency Like Lift Division Who Can Take Control & Make Your Ads Take Off

Running a successful social media ad campaign goes beyond boosting a post for a few dollars and waiting for the engagement to roll in. Real ad management takes experience, industry know-how, and ongoing monitoring. Do you have time for all that? If the answer is no, then put your social media ads in the hands of the pros at Lift Division. From Meta (that’s Facebook and Instagram) to LinkedIn, we can target the right audience with engaging content that meets your business goals. Let us know what you want – more engagement, more followers, more leads – and we’ll make it happen with social media ads that are compliant with online advertising regulations and attractive to your target customer base. Ready to do more with your social media? Let’s dig into what Lift Division has to offer!

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Run Better Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn Ads With the Social Media Ads Experts at Lift Division

Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, while all social media platforms, cater to vastly different audiences and offer unique advertising capabilities. Facebook boasts the broadest user base, making it ideal for reaching a diverse demographic. Leveraging ad formats like Stories, Reels, and traditional news feed ads, businesses can connect with audiences through various channels.

Instagram, on the other hand, is visually-driven and leans towards a younger, more engaged audience. Its emphasis on high-quality images and videos makes it perfect for showcasing products or services. Ad formats including Stories, Reels, and in-feed posts allow businesses to capture attention and drive engagement.

LinkedIn, a professional network, is specifically tailored to business-to-business interactions and professionals. With sponsored content, text ads, and InMail, businesses can target decision-makers and generate leads effectively. Understanding these fundamental differences in platforms, audiences, and ad formats is crucial for crafting effective ad campaigns that resonate with the right people. By carefully considering audience demographics, interests, and behaviors, businesses can optimize their advertising efforts to achieve maximum ROI.

Who can benefit from Facebook ads management?
  • Service-based businesses 
  • Retail businesses 
  • Charitable organizations
Who can benefit from Instagram ads management?
  • Retail businesses 
  • Charitable organizations 
  • Service-based businesses
Who can benefit from LinkedIn ads management?
  • Business-to-business services
  • Businesses that are hiring
  • Commercial service businesses

Go big with your social media ads. Lift Division helps businesses take off!

Social media can be fun, but there are also rules. You can’t exclude audiences for certain ad types, and there are some things you just can’t promote on social media. The Lift Division team has just about seen it all, and we’ve swooped in when businesses need us most to recover from strikes against their profiles and failed campaigns that brought in disappointing results. We strategize, design, write, and optimize your social media ads to meet regulations, appeal to customers, and grow your influence. When it comes down to it, you can do the math. Lift Division just “ads” up!

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Frequently asked questions about social media ads & targeting the right audience on Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn

You have questions about running social media ads and Lift Division has answers! Explore the frequently asked questions we get from business owners just like you! Don’t see your questions? Reach out to our social media ads managers to learn how we can take your business to the next level with social ads.

  • Why do I need a social media marketing agency to handle my Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn ads?

    Are you feeling the pressure to pay for social media advertising? It could be coming from seeing other businesses’ promoted posts, or even from Facebook or LinkedIn constantly reminding you ads are an option. No matter where you are in your business, running ads on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn is a good idea! Actually getting them up and running is another story though. 

    It's a totally different ballgame when you move on from boosting posts to running real ads. You have to be specific in your audience selection, budget amount and type, and what you want out of the ad. Working with a trusted partner like Lift Division to run your ads can save you time, money, and even prevent you from being banned from a platform! That’s right, one wrong click or disapproved ad won’t just stop you from sharing ads, your whole profile can be banned from a site! 

    When it comes to social media advertising, Lift Division does it differently. We stay up to date on the rules and regulations of all social media platforms we work so we can protect you from strikes against your account and profile bans. Did you know you can’t restrict certain audiences based on what you’re advertising? If you didn’t, you probably need a social media ads manager to help you run your ads. Between our endless knowledge about ad rules and rich background as graphic designers and copywriters, you’ll have an invaluable partner who can help your business grow.

  • I already post on my social media profiles. How can social media ads help boost my engagement & followers?

    Your business thrives on active customers who regularly use your services or buy your products. Your loyal following is committed to you, but finding new customers can be tough, especially in a busy market. With U.S. adults spending an average of almost an hour per day on social media alone, this is a lot of time for you to get in front of brand-new eyes without knocking door to door. Businesses that are already posting regularly on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can take advantage of all those eyes with social media ads. 

    With organic social media, your posts will only show up for people who already follow you. Paid social ads will put your business in front of thousands of new potential customers, and you can tailor exactly how you want them to engage with your business. Lift Division can design your ads to encourage people to click over to your website, follow your profile, like your page, or engage with the post itself. There are so many options for growing your social media presence and your business, and Lift Division can’t wait to show you what we can do for your business.

  • What sets social media advertising apart from other digital marketing ads?

    Why run social media ads when you could put your money into other digital marketing ads like Google Local Service Ads? Well, how you advertise depends on what you want! If you’re looking for leads only, Google ads are a great option. But if you want to grow your audience and put regular reminders about your services in front of new customers, social media ads are the way to go. People use social media every day and for long periods, so why not meet them where they’re at? If just one of your ads gains 10 new followers for your profile, that’s 10 new potential customers who will regularly have your organic content appearing on their feed. More eyes, more leads, more sales! That’s the benefit of social media advertising. Start running your ads with help from Lift Division today! 

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