Molly Wallace


Director of Digital Marketing


Molly Wallace brings a wealth of experience in the marketing industry, having worked with both Fortune 500 companies and small businesses. As a Senior Content Strategist at Lift Division, Molly is a valued leader known for her thoughtful approach and flexibility. When she’s not carefully curating clever copy, she loves to get outside with her husband Kyle, catch the latest Oscar-bait film, or talk about the hottest celebrity gossip.

What is the one thing you think every business owner should do to improve their digital footprint? Letting a pro handle their online presence! Google, Facebook, and online directories all have rules you need to follow, and if you don’t stay up to date on those rules, you could end up getting banned! When you let a pro handle your digital footprint, you’re protecting your business and enhancing your chances of success.

What’s your official title and what do people think you do? I’m the Director of Digital Marketing. This means I work with clients to bring their businesses to life through words. My mom thinks I’m a social media manager. My dog thinks I’m ruining his life by not giving him my attention 24/7. 

What is your favorite thing about working in the digital marketing space? I hate doing the same thing all the time, so getting to write for all types of businesses and organizations lets me stretch my creative muscles.

What’s your favorite Lift Division memory? Christmas Party 2021. No comment. 

What is your essential desktop item or office toy? I’m a girl who needs to be doing something with her hands, so I love to keep my iPad handy to doodle, take notes and make cute calendars. 

Who’s your most listened-to artist or album for your work day? Video game soundtracks are my go-to! They’re designed to make you keep going, so they’re perfect for digging into a big project. Psychonauts and Stray are my favorite video game soundtracks, but I also love to turn on The Social Network soundtrack. 

Let’s play “Kiss, Marry, Kill.” Email, Social Media, and Zoom. Kiss Zoom, Marry Email, and Kill Social Media. Sorry social. 

If you were a cartoon character, what would your uniform be? Adidas sneakers for sure. I’d pair them with comfy jeans and a casual button-up. If it’s summer, I’m in the same sneakers and a linen dress.

If someone made a movie or TV show about Lift Division, who should play you? Chloe Troast from SNL. I love every sketch she does, she’s always singing, and I can’t picture a serious actor playing me.

What’s your secret talent? I make the best chocolate chip cookies. The whole office voted. It’s a fact. 

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